
Under this activity, various projects are undertaken for protecting the environment and natural resources.

  • Waste management and recycling – biological waste and composting,
  • Water and groundwater management,
  • Low-cost agricultural practices and organic farming,
  • Planting of fruit and hard-wood trees,
  • Promotion of alternate sources of energy for daily use,
  • Articles to bring awareness about climate change, alternate sources of energy, recycling and other relevant topics.


# Title Lead person Period Status
5 Moving towards a cleaner environment Sangeeta Shirname 2009.09- Piloting completed, extended to other areas
4 Noise pollution: A health hazard? Sangita Kulathinal 2008.03 Description and questionnaire complete
3 Recycling in India: Ideas and options against practises and attitudes Tuula Virman-Ojanen 2007.06-2008.07 Published
2 Sanitation awareness programme and building of dry toilets in India Sangita Kulathinal 2008.06 Description complete
1 Investigation of environmental conditions and pollution of soil, surficial deposits, groundwater and surface water in three areas in India Bijoy Joseph 2007.04-2008.01 Sample collection complete